Affordable, locally made designer furniture for the people.
What's with the dots?
The Western Quoll are small carnivorous marsupials native to Australia. They are nocturnal, so spend a large portion of their days in their bed (well, we like to think of it as bed. Perhaps more commonly known as their den). They are easily identifiable by the white spots on their fur.
Due to dwindling habitat the Western Quoll is now mostly found in the southwest corner of Western Australia.
Our Mission
Simple: bring quality, locally made, affordable designer furniture to the people.

Where it all started
Quoll was born when award winning Western Australian designer, Jack Flanagan was imagining a way to bring quality, affordable, locally made designer furniture to the people.
Jack experimented and prototyped an eclectic range of handy homewares. Chairs, side tables, spectacle caddy's, hill trolleys, fire pit/cookers and a very useful range of colourful "loungeroom toolboxes" and much more.
But mostly Jack was working away on a quoll bed. It had to be robust, attractive, and made from Australian sustainable materials. The quoll bed had to have local materials, local skills and creativity and therefore the smallest carbon footprint possible.
The seasons came and went, and many versions were made, modified and slept on. All distributed and tested by grateful family and friends. All still going strong.
And so after 5 years in the making, the testing and the tweaking, the quoll bed is ready to release to the people of Australia.
Release the quoll!
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